
Release Management - II

Hi Rangers,  Hope You enjoyed learning about Application life cycle management in my previous blog of Release Management. If you haven't visited it yet, do check it out before beginning this module. Today we'll be learning about Development models - Development Models:        Change Set development        Org Development        Package development All these three development models are similar as they all follow the same ALM process, the only difference lies in the way they all manage changes in org. Different development model suits various situation. Change set Development It’s not necessary to find all the changes in the component in Metadata API so those changes need to be moved manually from one environment to another. As a release manager, you would need to include dependent component in the release otherwise the deployment may lead to failure. Let me just example it with the help of example, suppose yo...

Release Management - I

Hi Rangers, Welcome to the month of February, time to unleash new sphere of learning. Let us start our new adventure, today we will learn about Release management from beginner to advanced level. But before starting with the release management, let us build the foundation with Application Life cycle Management. Application Life cycle Management (ALM) - Application life cycle  management is an integrated system of people, processes, and tools that manages the life cycle of an application or software from gathering requirements to delivery of the final product. Different Salesforce projects will have different project requirements, apps and tools but the only common thing in all of them are the steps of the ALM cycle which will remain constant throughout the development. Figure 1: Application Lifecycle Management Step 1: Plan Release Gathering project requirements and analyzing  them. Creating design specifications with the development t...

Creating Fields in bulk

Hi rangers !!! Today i learnt about a new feature - none another than,  creating fields in bulk . As per the project requirement i was supposed to make 200 fields in my salesforce sandbox. I am glad that i came across the feature called - "Field Creator" . It is a part of Salesforce ToolKit. These tool help us getting our work fast and in the efficient manner.  Salesforce toolkit provides 8 tools and application for our help - Org Doctor Org Compare Data Compare Config Switch Schema Lister Field Creator Package Builder Code Scanner You can check about all these tools from the official website - Salesforce Field Creator-  We all know that creation of custom field is so critical in the first phase of project and is also time consuming when there are so many fields to insert in production org. Field Creator can really help us in creating custom fields all in one go in our Salesforce org, along with all the field level level security, thereby sa...

Apex Specialist - Challenge 6

Test Scheduling logic Hi Rangers , Great going !!! Time to move forward with step 5, 1. Apex Class Go to Developer Console >>> File >>> Open >>> Apex Class  Click on WarehouseSyncScheduleTest  class >>> Open A template of the apex class will be opened, write your code there- @ isTest public class WarehouseSyncScheduleTest {         @ isTest static void WarehousescheduleTest (){         String scheduleTime = '00 00 01 * * ?' ;         Test . startTest ();         Test . setMock ( HttpCalloutMock . class , new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock ());         String jobID = System . schedule ( 'Warehouse Time To Schedule to Test' , scheduleTime, new WarehouseSyncSchedule ());         Test . stopTest ();         //Contains schedule information for a scheduled job. CronTrigger i...

Process Automation Specialist - Challenge 1

Hi rangers, Watching videos is easy these days than reading, but what if you just have to follow the steps for a challenge , Isn't a time taking process for you ?? Moreover it takes lot of your internet MB's to get ahead. Wondering for an easy solution. Here it is- Let's follow the steps together - Prerequisite: Make sure you have successfully logged in to your trailhead playground and have installed the package:      Package Name: Process Automation Superbadge unmanaged package       Package ID: 04t46000001Zch4 Make a new user as -     First name: Nushi      Last name: Davoud     Alias: will be filled automatically as ndavo.     Email: your own unique email id will work fine.     Username: will be autofilled but you can change it to an easy one . Make sure it is unique.       User License: Salesforce     ...