
Apex Specialist - Challenge 6

Test Scheduling logic Hi Rangers , Great going !!! Time to move forward with step 5, 1. Apex Class Go to Developer Console >>> File >>> Open >>> Apex Class  Click on WarehouseSyncScheduleTest  class >>> Open A template of the apex class will be opened, write your code there- @ isTest public class WarehouseSyncScheduleTest {         @ isTest static void WarehousescheduleTest (){         String scheduleTime = '00 00 01 * * ?' ;         Test . startTest ();         Test . setMock ( HttpCalloutMock . class , new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock ());         String jobID = System . schedule ( 'Warehouse Time To Schedule to Test' , scheduleTime, new WarehouseSyncSchedule ());         Test . stopTest ();         //Contains schedule information for a scheduled job. CronTrigger is similar to a cron job on UNIX systems.         // This object is available in API version 17.0 and later.         CronTri

Process Automation Specialist - Challenge 1

Hi rangers, Watching videos is easy these days than reading, but what if you just have to follow the steps for a challenge , Isn't a time taking process for you ?? Moreover it takes lot of your internet MB's to get ahead. Wondering for an easy solution. Here it is- Let's follow the steps together - Prerequisite: Make sure you have successfully logged in to your trailhead playground and have installed the package:      Package Name: Process Automation Superbadge unmanaged package       Package ID: 04t46000001Zch4 Make a new user as -     First name: Nushi      Last name: Davoud     Alias: will be filled automatically as ndavo.     Email: your own unique email id will work fine.     Username: will be autofilled but you can change it to an easy one . Make sure it is unique.       User License: Salesforce     Profile: Standard User   Now, edit your own details make Nushi as your own manager- Click edit in front of your name. Scroll down at t